Praying for the Nation Week 13

My oldest daughter and two year old grandson live with us. It is a blessing to have them and our grandson brings the vibrancy and wonder of life into the home as only a toddler can. Viewing life through his eyes as a grandparent is a joy unlike any other. We have nights where we get him ready for bed, and we follow a routine – I bathe him and get him all lotioned and essential oiled up and then he brushes his teeth with Papa. Often the two of us will tuck him in bed, but sometimes it is just one of us and we always pray with him. Last night it was both. After he climbed into bed and grabbed his blankie, he held out both of his hands and said “I want Jesus.” Oh my, I had to bite back tears and my hold my heart in my chest! This little guy wanted us to pray with him and it was awesome! Out of the mouths of babes, I’ll tell ya! He was serious too – he closed his eyes and held tight to our hands (for the first 30 or 40 seconds anyway). Never, ever disregard the importance of praying for and with children.

This brings me to Week 13’s directives. We are going to continue to pray for our local, regional and national government and authority, but I feel very strongly that we need to begin to pray for our children (of all ages) on a national level. The devil has targeted our children’s identity and we must not tolerate it. It’s time to remove the target.


  • Always speak love and life over your jar of dirt. Declare the mercy and grace of God over it and tell it how loved it is.
  • Press in and declare God’s governmental authority over your state, and pray for it to radiate outward and permeate every facet of government across the nation. Pray for states to love and not harm the Church, for those called by God to lead in the political arena to heed their calling and step forward, for strength, endurance and protection over said people. Pray for corrupt leaders to be unseated and every plot and scheme of the enemy to be revealed. Do not give up, nor give in.
  • Pray Psalm 139 over the children of your state, beginning with the generation after you regardless of age. Speak life over the children and divine protection over their hearts and minds, pray for the fulfillment of God’s purposes in their lives and for the courage to walk in it. Ask God for the release of angelic hosts to fight on behalf of our children, to facilitate those divine connections needed to set them on the right path. Pray for the prodigals to come home.
  • Pray for the Church as a whole, that we rise up and refuse to give any more ground to the enemy and that we take back what he has stolen.

The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law (Deuteronomy 29:29 NKJV).

Shalom! 🙂

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