For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV).
Much has gone on in the news world this week and the reporting of it lends one to believe we must be fearful of everything. I do not think I need to recap the headlines as I refuse to subscribe to the spirit of fear perpetrated by our media, as well as some well meaning people of God. As I pressed in regarding our prayer directives this week “no fear” came to mind.
We must be steadfast in the mandate God gave us of blessing and not cursing, of speaking life and love over our jars of dirt that represent our states. If we are not careful and mindful, the spirit of fear will latch on to our thoughts, which turn into our prayers and before we know it, we are praying out of our fear of what “could” happen and not praying heaven into our earth.
We must be watchful of what is going on, but we also must be mindful of the plots and schemes of the enemy. God desires us to speak edifying words over our nation, to build up, to plant, to water and fertilize with the Word and we have been given all authority in heaven to do so. His will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Satan is a usurper and one of his favorite tools is fear. Fear is like a tick, it starts off very small when it latches on, but by the time it has finished its assignment, it has grown large and increasingly more difficult to remove, often requiring tools to do so. We must periodically go tick-hunting and this is the time. Let us cast out fear with the perfect love of God and truly walk in the power and authority He has given us. We are in Christ, that means fear has no place.
This week’s directives:
- Declare your love and admiration for your state’s jar. Remind it of its worth and how much it is beloved of God. Declare Psalm 22 over your state.
- Pray Psalm 91 for those in uniform, be they police or military. Declare God’s righteous authority over your state.
- Pray Psalm 139 over the people of your state, from the pre-born to the elderly.
- Continue to give thanks and praise for your state, for the abundance of blessing over your state, for the healing of the land and the reach of the Church within.
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love (1 John 4:18).
Be blessed, Intercessors! God is listening to our voice!
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